Workshop on Complex Networks and Applications to Fluid Dynamics
Welcome to the home page of the workshop on Complex networks and applications to fluid dynamics. The aim of the workshop is to initiate discussions amongst researchers from a wide variety of fields and disseminate the state-of-the-art in network science and its application in fluid dynamics. We invite experts from a wide variety of fields, such as physics, mathematics, engineering, and climate science, who have bridged scientific disciplines and led the way in developing and applying aspects of network science to real-life problems.
R. I. Sujith
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
Murali Gopalakrishnan Meena
Computational Scientist,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Kunihiko Taira
University of California,
Los Angeles.
Gaurav Chopra
Post Doctoral Fellow,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Aditya Nair
Assistant Professor,
University of Nevada,
Shruti Tandon
Doctoral Student,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,